Happy Spring everyone! This week, despite an abnormal amount of school-related stress and teenage nonsense, has been an incredibly beautiful week here in the South, and I hope everyone everywhere else is starting to experience the sunshine and showers of April. Today I spent my first full day in the sun and unfortunately returned to the indoors the color of a maraschino cherry! But, nevertheless, I am incredibly thankful that the winter weather seems to have finally vanished!
For this week's Selfie Saturday, I thought I would share a little bit about my love for all the flying, swimming, and crawling creatures of the planet Earth. I am a huge animal-lover, who may or may not be subscribed to both PETA and the WWF's email newsletters. Ever since I was a child I have always been fascinated by the nonhuman inhabitants of the world around me, and I have a small history of being rather outspoken when it comes to the protection of said creatures. At home, I have one animal companion, a corpulent and charming Boston Terrier named Csonka (pronounced like Zonka, and named after football player Larry Csonka). My family has had Csonka for twelve years now, and he is truly a valued member of the family, no matter how gassy and occasionally comatose he may be. Csonka is my walking partner, cuddle buddy, and forever companion, and I am sure you will continue to see pictures of him randomly appear on my blog, so I apologize in advance!
Now I do promise that I will try to not be too extreme with my personal opinions for the majority of my posts, but I do believe it is important that I truly express who I am and even healthy to encounter opposing opinions every now and then. Anyway, I would like to recommend rather quickly that if you are not too familiar with the Nonhuman Rights Project, then you should give it a quick Google search. I do find it incredibly important that the human population be careful to protect and show love to the other living things among us, and this organization is quite admirable. Also, if you are looking for something to watch on one of these rainy April days, Gabriela Cowperthwaite's Blackfish is an eye-opening and shocking documentary on the orcas at SeaWorld that I highly recommend,
On a lighter note, I am almost positive my spirit animal is the meerkat.
"The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs."
-Charles de Gaulle
Adorable video of the week: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/04/10/giraffe-gives-birth-at-dallas-zoo/25603219/
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